May 3, 2010

whoa, baby! you are huge...

As of May 2, our little Logan Monster turned 5 months.. I can't believe how fast it is going! He is doing new things everyday and never ceases to amaze us! He is the most amazing little creature we have ever laid our eyes on. And the best part?? He's ours!

Here are some Logan stats:

He is approximately 17 pounds, which is double his birth weight exactly! I say approximately because I did the whole weigh yourself then weigh with him in hand!

He is now rolling both ways, tummy to back and back to tummy.

He has started the scoot! Today, he tried to scoot with his behind in the air.. Not very successful, but entertaining for Mama!

He is so ticklish! Under his arms, his sides, his legs...he will giggle and squeal until you stop.

He has figured out that those little things on the ends of his feet can be put in his mouth. His toes are his new found chew toy. Gross!

I believe he is starting the dreaded teething process... He's been pretty cranky lately, and gnawing on things more than usual. And last night, I had the pleasure of being up with him from 1:30 to 3:30 because he would not stop chewing on things so he could fall back asleep!

He has started to recognize more people. It is the best feeling when you can walk in to the room and he looks at you and gives you the biggest grin!

Okay, enough talk! Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks...

He got to go to his first Texas Ranger baseball game. Patty Cakes bought him a new outfit, Paw Paw had him on the field, and Tom got him a ticket to the game:-) He only made it about an hour, but I think once he gets a little older, he may enjoy it more. None the less, he looks great in his Ranger Red!!

This was after the Dunn family run in the Komen Breast Cancer 5k in downtown Fort Worth. Logan got a ride in his sweet jogging stroller from Paw Paw while the girls did their best to run fast! I must say...I think it was a major success for all of us!

I love baby feet and I think I took about 25 pictures trying to capture these beautiful things! His feet and toes are so big!

He is finally big enough for his bouncer from the Bruder's! He loves when there is music on in the background. He just bounces and bounces..until one of the cats walks by! Then, he is at a dead stop and in a stare down.. It is the funniest thing!

And yes, that is cereal all over his face! He has gotten so much better at eating! And as of today, he has started eating some baby food. Today, the adventure was carrots. He did excellent! They didn't seem to bother him at all! But he was a total mess to clean up at the end. Well worth it though to see that beaming smile on his face!

Happy 5 months, my big, beautiful boy!

We love you, Logan Monster!


  1. LOVE your blog!! Can see he is definitely growing, and growing, (too fast)!!! We LOVE you and MISS you, Logan Thomas Woodman!!

  2. Ahh, thats fun getting to see and read all the updates- THANK YOU for sharing with us! Congrats momma,sounds like your doing a great job and enjoying every bit :)
